Class A

Class A Connection Charges not in developments.                      Meter pits are required

Meter size + Deposit + Water Source Capacity Fee+ System Upgrade + Average Construction Cost =

3/4 inch $200 + $1350 + $2690 + $2225 = $6450.00 plus excise.                               Monthly base costs – $40.00 + $3.00 s/c.

1 inch $200 + $1350 + $2690 + $2634 = $6874.00 plus excise                              Monthly base costs – $43.00 + $3.00 s/c.

1 1/2 inch $200 + $3000 + $2225 + $2690 + $ 11,320 = $15,558 plus excise.           Monthly base costs – $78.00 + $3.00s/c.

There may be additional construction costs at locations where line extensions are needed.

For membership cost for services over 1 1/2 inch please call the office.

All charges are reviewed at least annually by the board of directors and will be adjusted when necessary.

LCRWS Connection Charges Water Class “A” Memberships within developments: Single family structures or single business properties.

$200 membership deposit.  $3.00 monthly water source capacity surcharge (s/c) on all memberships.  Water Source Capacity Fee (WSCF). *Meter costs will be actual costs at time of installation.

Meter size = deposit +WSCF + construction costs + excise tax.  Monthly base + surcharge + cost of water delivered.

¾ inch water meter $200 + $1350 + $1700(includes pit). = $3250 plus excise.         Monthly base costs – $40.00 + $3.00 s/c.

1 inch water meter $200 + $1350 + $2150(includes pit) = $3700 plus excise.       Monthly base costs – $43.00 + $3.00 s/c.

1 ½ inch meter $200 + $3000+* (cost of water meter assembly).                               Monthly base costs – $78.00 + $3.00 s/c.

2 inch meter $200 + $3000+ *(costs of water meter assembly).                                  Monthly base costs – $119.00 + $3.00 s/c.

3 inch meter $200 + $4000+ *(cost of water meter assembly).                                    Monthly base costs – $252.00 + $3.00 s/c.

4 inch meter $200 + $6,000+ *(costs of water meter assembly).                                 Monthly base costs – $422.00 + $3.00 s/c.

6 inch and larger are not allowed at this time.

All charges are reviewed at least annually by the board of directors and will be adjusted when necessary.